How to grow:
Tomato plants grow best when they are planted in the sunniest and hottest part of the garden. The Plants must be kept well-watered at all times and container-grown plants in particular will require more watering as fruit develops. Water directly to the roots and keep the soil around moist. If possible, keep water off the leaves.
After flowering, tomatoes require 50-60 days to start giving fruits. Pluck them when they are bright red. You can put them in salad or eat them plain!
Multiply your tomato:
Keep aside 5 or 6 tomatoes from your plant. Dry them out on paper in the sun for a day. carefully sow around ten seeds into a small pot with a mix of half soil and half organic compost. (use tweezers to help if needed) .Water well and place in a sunny spot. Within a couple of weeks you will see little saplings forming. Only some of the seeds may sprout out of the ten seeds you planted. When the saplings grow about 5 inches long, leave one in the pot and carefully take out the rest keeping their roots. These can be put into other pots with compost. Make a little hole and place the sapling, so that the roots are in the hole and the base of the green plant is at ground level. But be careful to keep the saplings in shade for three days after transplanting them. And then shift them back into the sun. They will continue to grow big and give tomatoes in the pot.
Mulching! is to put compost, old leaves, or straw around the plant to make the soil rich when it grows quite big. This helps to prevent weeds, reduce leaf diseases, and makes the tomato plants stronger.
Measure your plant.