Giant squill, also known as Drimiopsis, is a bulbous , cute, spotty plant from South Africa.
leaves: are fleshy,light green, oval leaves that have darker translucent spots.
flowers: The flower stalk rises 6 to 12 inches above the leaves and has a cluster of small bright white flower buds that open and turn to a pale green.Although they are not brightly coloured, they have a very fragrant smell.
how to care: Plant in light shade,and water just enough to keep the soil moist. watering it once in two days is enough. water only twice a week in winters. It blooms late spring to summer and is quite hardy.From time to time wash the leaves of the giant Squill with a sponge.
multiply:it will multiply in the garden to form clumps with a bulb each. these can be planted separately into other pots, with a mix of sand and manure, just below the surface of the soil.
watch out! this plant is a favorite food for snails!, make sure to protect it from snails.